What do you hear the little voices in your head telling you about the thoughts you have for your future? Has your mind simply dismissed the goals you have envisioned because you have been plagued by those little, doubting voices that insist you are kidding yourself to think you could accomplish anything so challenging? What is it that convinces us we CAN’T instead of believing in our abilities and strengths with a solid confidence in ourselves to know we CAN?

It isn’t just you. We all experience negative voices. That’s just the way things work in the world. The difficult part is learning how to dismiss them and replace them with your personal cheering section that encourages you and assures you that you can accomplish anything you want!

We are all victims of our sub-conscious, which works overtime to keep us “safe” and within our comfort zone instead of allowing us to follow our conscious mind which desires to move forward and pursue challenging goals. When we allow the negative voices to influence our actions, we are accepting the negatives as true and agreeing with those negative voices that we are not capable of achieving our goal.

Do you want to learn how to move out of that negative, self-limiting cycle? Are you ready to learn how to overcome the negatives and replace them with the enthusiasm and determination to accomplish your goals? Are you anxious to learn how you can accomplish anything your mind can see and believe?

Great! The first step is to write down the negative messages you have heard. Most likely you have experienced a message related to something you have thought about doing, such as applying for a job opening at your company that would be an advancement in your career. What did the voices tell you? Write it down. Next, write down two statements that counter the negative message.

This negative message attacked self-esteem and self-confidence, which will continue to pull us down in other areas of our lives, not just the specific topic of this single message. When the negative message is accepted as fact, we give up! We no longer enjoy the process of thinking about what we want to accomplish in life.

As you feed positive messages to your subconscious to replace the negative voices, the little voices will stop appearing. This isn’t something that happens quickly or permanently, but instead it needs to be a regular activity. The important part of this process is to write down the negative message and for each message you need to write down two strong counter messages to the negative message.

Your subconscious is a powerful tool that you can put to work to help you accomplish anything you want in life. With practice and consistency, you will hear more positive messages than negative messages and the positive messages will increase your confidence in moving toward accomplishing the goals you want in life.

Negative voices are the ongoing internal dialog we have in our own heads. Learn how to quiet them!